An Exploration of Self


An Exploration of Self – 5 Weeks

What is the ‘ego’ and what is its impact on our perception the world around us, but also the way in which it changes our inner landscape.  An Exploration of Self
The ego hides behind the ‘I’ or ‘me’ and often uses judgemental and critical language to question your own capabilities.
This course will help feed your courage and curiosity, making you more willing to try more things or fresh approaches without the overblown fear of failure looming over you. It will breed compassion for self, acceptance and foregiveness.


Next Course Starts 19th of April – Cultivating Compassion 

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An Exploration of Self – 5 Weeks

What is the ‘ego’ and what is its impact on our perception the world around us, but also the way in which it changes our inner landscape.  An Exploration of Self
The ego hides behind the ‘I’ or ‘me’ and often uses judgemental and critical language to question your own capabilitie
This course will help feed your courage and curiosity, making you more willing to try more things or fresh approaches without the overblown fear of failure looming over you. It will breed compassion for self, acceptance and foregiveness.
This course is aimed at those that have completed the Foundations course, or similar and looking at exploring meditaiton, mindfulness, forgiveness and acceptance as a way of better understanding who we truly are. 
Mindfulness practice helps us to see more clearly the patterns of the mind and teaches us to stay in the present moment, rather than reliving the past or pre-living the future.
Meditations we will be using (will include not limited too):
> 7 point posture, 12 Breaths 
> 10 Point & Yoga Nidra
> Contemplation & Awareness
> Music Meditations
> Metta & Gratitude
> Forgiveness 
 Longer Periods of Meditation:
Push your boundaries of dealing with silence and becoming more mindful. Opening up your awareness to a heightened level through longer meditative periods.
The 3 essentials – Understanding, Acceptance & Forgiveness
Kalimukti Yoga Studio’s, 6 Bath Street, West Centre, St Helier (Near the bronze cows)
March 8th 7pm – 8:15pm
Tickets – £45 


Next Course Starts 19th of April – Cultivating Compassion 
For more info please email
Thank you so much


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